Monday, June 6, 2011

Pit Bull Conspiracy – Where does the name Pit Bull really come from?


Friday night around 11 pm, April 8, 2011, two pit bulls dismembered a live cat with their teeth in North Oak Park, Sacramento. A 44 year old woman, who witnessed the attack from its beginning, collapsed in hysterics and shock on the pavement outside her house. It wasn’t the woman’s cat, but witnessing the viciousness of the attack was so traumatic that the woman had to be assisted to her home by two neighbors. Other neighbors soon caught the two Pit Bulls in question and the cat died later that night. The Pit Bulls’ owners were out at the time.

While “Dog kills Cat Friday Night” is not big news, what makes it pertinent is that seeing it happen and the effects on a neighbor puts the real danger of Pit Bulls on my doorstep. I was one of the neighbors that witnessed part of the attack and helped the woman back to her home; the experience left all of us visibly shaken. I also happen to be a former dog trainer and worked for several years under international dog judges and dog breed experts in the 1970’s as a teen.

Pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs because they are genetically designed to be vicious, attack and fight, with a locking jaw that exerts 2000 kg per 1 sq cm of pressure. Pit Bulls were never bred to be family pets or life companions, or safe with children, or safe in a community, nor hunting or farming. There are plenty of gory photos of the results of pit bull attacks on the web: grown men and little children with half their faces bitten off, photos too explicit and too gory to show to children or even to sensitive adults.

Because Pit Bulls are cute and lovable their well meaning but naïve advocates and neglectful owners have made the breed popular by giving it publicity with increasing attacks on other animals, children, and adults. Not deliberately, but by the statistical fact that their numbers are growing at an alarming rate. Pit Bull advocates have even faked the dog’s history on the Internet and in books saying the breed goes back as far as the Romans. While some of the various breeds that make up the Pit Bull do go back to the Romans, the actual Pit Bull breed as we know it today was developed in the mid 20th century for the purpose of making money in the dog fighting pits. It’s where the prefix Pit comes from, Pit is a modern English word, not ancient Roman. The Latin word for pit is cavas and the Italian word for pit is pozzo.

The name Bull comes from the various breeds of dogs in different countries used for herding, controlling, hunting and bringing down and killing large wild buffalo and large wild pigs in hunting and bringing down enemy horses and beasts of burden in war. These dogs include breeds such as Bullmastiffs and Bullterriers. Characteristics of the Bull genes are powerful bodies, large jaws (Bullmastiff), high-pressure locking jaw (Bullterrier), and tenacious stamina in a physical fight for “control not death” against a large vicious animal. Both Bullmastiffs and Bullterriers have had hundreds and thousands of years of refinement breeding to also have cute dispositions and be good pets, as well as good guard dogs and hunting dogs.

The name Pit comes from modern day pit dogfight promoters mixing the Bull breeds then inbreeding the result to create a vicious bipolar “fight to the death” personality. These Pit bulls were used to fit bears and wild boars tied to polls in pits as well as other dogs. Mixing powerful breeds made a better fight show and had better chances of winning in the pit and making the promoters and dog owners more money. Because animal fighting was illegal then as it is now nearly all information and breeding records were word of mouth. No original written breeding history was kept or as yet public knowledge.

The result is a Pit Bull, a dog that is cute and lovable when it is not feeling threatened, but when it does feel its territory threatened or it is in a pack, it morphs into a vicious killing machine. The Pit Bull has no choice because the vicious bipolar traits have been selectively in-bred into the dog’s brain were we can’t see it. The Pit Bull is the animal equivalent of the genetically designed super soldier in Sci-Fi movies, that can’t live a normal life. The real world result is the equivalent of a sociopath with violent homicidal tendencies due to brain deformity. This is why the Pit Bull is not on popular dog breed charts, because experienced comprehensive dog experts advise that the Pit Bull is not a good dog for anything but fighting, because the Pit Bull is unpredictable to the point of being lethally dangerous.

The Pit Bull is genuinely all cute and lovable and affable on the outside, but the Pit Bull’s brain on the inside where we can't see it is a Russian roulette time bomb. Most Pit Bull owners put their dogs on very big chains and have problems controlling their dogs when out for walks - what does that say to the observer? That even on a good day the Pit Bull is a brain damaged animal that needs specialized expert care, just as a brain damaged human being who kills and maims animals and people needs specialized expert care. It also tells me the dog is suffering by being choked all the time and not being allowed to run freely for proper exercise.

I’m a dog lover myself, worked with show dogs and grooming in my teens and volunteered in animal rescue and fostering off and on for 30 years. I grew up on a farm in Australia where dogs are expected to follow rules without a heavy chain or high fences. If the dog didn’t follow certain rules, such as harming people and other animals without proper authority, it got shot in the head and buried in the back paddock, quick and painless. The farm’s income and its people as well as the dog would suffer if the dog were kept alive; the same as a neighborhood suffers when a dog attacks a human or their pets or children.

We prevent humans with damaged brains and dangerous personalities from breeding and harming others by putting them in institutions and making them infertile. If our canine friends are to be considered real friends, should they not be subject to the same basic rules of mental health and social endeavor as human beings? Thou shall not kill or harm a human being as bibles off all kinds preach and according to human law in an animal’s case not even in self-defense.

Pit Bulls are suffering because there are no strict laws for Pit Bulls to live a normal life without risk of triggering a violent episode. A dog with the muscles and energy of a Pit Bull needs about 10 miles running per day and expert training and handling, as well as specialized fencing to keep it calm and under control. When you see the average Pit Bull owner, do they look like they could run 10 miles nonstop every day, or afford to pay for specialized fencing or an extensive training course? The answer is no, and if you asked the average Pit Bull owner they would say the same about themselves.

I don’t advocate euthanizing all the Pit Bulls in the world, but I do advocate strict ownership, location, breeding, and licensing laws where dogs are kept in minimum 1 acre double fenced yard per 2 dogs for proper exercise, located outside of cities and urban areas, and owners and breeders must undergo specialized extensive training to handle, secure, care for and train dogs with violent tendencies. This gives the dog a quality healthy loving life out of harms way, the same as a person or parent would give a fulfilling safe life to a mentally ill friend or child.
The laws, training and licensing will bring in money to pay for public education and animal control as well as make it less attractive to own and breed Pit Bulls. There are currently and estimated 77.5 million Pit Bulls in the USA according to but it’s not confirmed as most Pit Bulls are not registered and they breed 6 or 8 pups in a litter, plus gestation time is only 9 weeks. Because there is a market for Pit Bull puppies, $500 to $2000 and more per pup, there are growing lobbies to protect and encourage the uneducated, negligent, and misguided breeding and owning of Pit Bulls.

At the very least all Pit Bulls must be 100% registered, vet approved and tagged, their living and breeding situations inspected and charted and owners and dogs require certified basic training at a respected dog school. The bottom line is that Pit Bull advocates are asking tax payers to freely allow the breeding and public interaction of sociopathic bipolar vicious animals, which the tax payer, animal welfare, and victims have to pay for in injuries, trauma, police, ambulance, animal rescue, animal control, vent bills, and in some cases law suits, settlements, and ongoing medical and vet bills.

I’m not saying that Pit Bulls are the only dogs that attack people or are suffering, but if we can instigate laws to free up resources from animals we know aren’t always safe, we can have more resources to care for animals that are a safer bet. A dangerous animal is an animal that is suffering or feeling threatened and there are simply not enough shelters, responsible owners, quality foster care or free vets for animals who are likely to attack people. Animal owners, lovers, and carer givers need to grow up; there is such a thing as "too much love in wrong places".
Animal control and rescue, police, child welfare, and animal rights groups need to start advocating stricter pet and animal breeding and care and training laws starting with Pit Bulls and animals in general. If each city spent a few million dollars now, they’d save hundreds of millions dollars from now on and save billions of dollars in the future.
Dog and pet associations, government, and dog educators also need to re-educate and regulate the people and organizations spreading misinformation about Pit Bulls.


Concerned dog lover and former dog trainer.

Sacramento, California


rhilliker said...

I can understand your concern about the nature of the pitbull breed, but as an owner of a pitbull as well as a Yorkshire terrier, both of which live happily in my house, play together, walk together and interact happily together I can confidently say that I trust my pitbull 100% in every situation I've had him in and love my pitbull more than I ever thought possible to love a dog. He was two years old in june and is the best dog I could have ever asked for. His temperament is calm, gentile, and wonderful. Our yorkie more bipolar and dangerous than my pitbull could ever be. I know that based on your one sided, poorly researched article you will more than likely not agree with me but it's the truth. All pitbulls are not aggressive and like people should be assessed on an individual basis. My pitbull goes everywhere with me, including parks, dog parks, friends houses, restaurants, and even hospitals in order to provide service as a therapy dog for terminally ill patients. My pitbull plays with friends cats, dogs, birds and children. I have had no problems with him in any situation and have never had any reason to feel uneasy about his behavior. I understand that they can be a dangerous breed of dog, but I urge people to spend more time around pitbulls before making their own opinion. I also have many friends who are also owners of wonderful pitbulls who also behave in a similar manner and are the most wonderful dogs I have had the pleasure of spending time with. To say pitbulls are not pets in bold lettering is a very ignorant statement and I urge any other readers to spend sometime around pitbulls and make your own decision about how wonderful these dogs can be.

Thank you.

Our Vested Interest said...

1. A Pitbull is originally a cross between a common terrier type dog and a bulldog. In that both are domestic dogs with more than a 1,000 year history of living fully integrated with families, the statement that Pitbulls were genetically disigned, etc. is false.

2. There is no such thing as a dog with a 4,000 plus pound per centimeter bite. To place it in context, lions have about a 1,000 pound per square inch bite, which is less than 13% of the bite force you claim for a Pitbull, or, demonstratably false again.

3. The white dog you have pictured is not a Pitbull. Further, in that working at a the dog pound is by definition an "entry level" position, it is entirely believable, as the AKC and most Pitbull breeders claim, than many dog bites attributed to Pitbulls are not Pitbulls at all, but a diversity of short haired dogs ranging from Labradors to Mastiffs.

4. Cars driven by drivers under 25 harm and kill more than 100 times more innocent people than dog attacks of ALL BREEDS added together every year. As such, by your reasoning, certain particular vehicles should be outlawed, but the people doing the driving, nada.

5. Punish the deed, not the breed. Many things are dangerous, but none moreso than irresponsible human beings.

6. The statistical cause of more child dog bite maimings than any other dog. That's really saying something considering that the majority of Cocker Spaniels are owned by peace loving grand mothers and the majority of Pitbulls owned by those of a less docile nature.


PitbullProtector said...

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! To say that you are a dog lover and then talk about a breed of dog saying that they are bipolar and brain damaged is crazy. There is NO breed of dog that has a locking jaw and Rottweilers actually have a more powerful jaw then a Pitbull. These dogs typically rate higher on temperment testing then labs do. ANY dog that is not socialized properly can become aggressive and any dogs that are unfortunate enough to fall into a bad owners hands probably will become aggressive. Its not a breed characteristic of the American Pitbull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier or any other bully breed to be human aggressive. They were bred to fight other dogs after they were farm and family dogs. I have been a licensed veterinary technician for over 10 years and have worked with many, many breeds of dogs. The most dangerous dog I ever saw was a labrador retriever then a Shih Tzu. I have seen vicious cocker spaniels, shar peis, rotties, chows, mixes, and even labs and goldens. I have been bit several times bad enough to have to go to the hospital and not one was from a pit or pit mix. They were a standard poodle, great dane, boxer mix, and lab mix. ANY breed can have some bad, unsocialized, poorly trained, and aggressive individuals. This doesn't mean that that is the rule for the breed, it means that they are the exception. I have 4 rescued dogs (1 Am. Staff, 2 Pitbulls and a pitbull mix) and 2 of them have passed the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Test and Therapy Dog International's Therapy Dog test. They go to nursing homes, veterans hospitals, daycares, schools and rehabilitation centers. The other 2 are ready to take their tests any day we schedule it. If they were as unstable as you say they are both of these organizations wouldn't allow the breeds to even try to take the tests. You are misinformed, unrealistic and, uneducated about the Pitbull and bully breeds. Most Pitbulls arent kept on "big, heavy chains", they are on regular collars and leashes as any other breed and most times are playing perfectly in local dog parks and doggie daycare centers. Oh, and EVERY dogs gestation is 62 days so it's nothing unique to this breed. As a nursing student I have never heard of brain damaged people being institutionalized and sterilized...EVER. You are wrong once again. They dont sterilize mentally retarded, handicapped, or brain damaged people. Its their right to reproduce if they want to, you cant force that on someone because of an injury or birth defect. Pitbulls aren't suffering because of anything that they did. They are suffering because of people like you who have no idea what they are talking about and who post bogus articles like this. Pitbulls are intelligent, fun loving, big hearted, loving, loyal, and stable dogs. Maybe your next article should be how wonderful puppy mills are used to writing incorrect information...

Kisha Juliet said...

I can see where you are coming from, dog attacks are horrible. But lets not bash pitbulls. I have 2 one is afraid of everything, she is scared of her own farts, and balloons. The other one is a mush, you can not come into my house without him licking you all over. He is a lover. I have seen some horrible dog attacks done by Labs which are supposedly the perfect family dogs. Lets not leave out Dalmations, holy crap they are extremely nasty. Oh an those little wiener dogs. On 3 different occasions I myself have been attacked by them. 3 different wiener dogs!! Any dog can turn and be nasty. I take it personal when I see people blaming one specific breed. In my 34 years I have had several different dogs. Boxers, Shr Pei, Pugs, Blood hounds, a Blue tick coon hound and an Akita. The worst dogs were the Akita, who would eat all the neighborhood animals along with our Blue tick. They were a team of killing machines. Neither could be around any other animals but oddly they got along with one another. So far the best dogs I have had are my PITBULLS. Did you know they originally were "nanny dogs" yup... They were kept as family pets whose purpose were to stay with their human children when the parents were out(many years ago). I am not saying pits can't be nasty, I am the first to admit that if you come into my house and get rough with my kids (any kids in my house) my female is ON POINT. Her hair stands up and she is very watchful, you raise your voice to a kid in my house, she will verbally let you know that that crap is NOT allowed. You put hands on a child in my house, she will again verbally warn you, and her tone lets you know she is not having it. Get rough with a child in my house and said child screams or cries, she will get in your face. She has never snipped, nipped or bitten anyone in a malicious way. She just lets you know that the children are "hers". As for heavy chains and all that crap you claim to know about, amybe you should stop by, and see my 5yr old twins walking their dogs on cat leashes. Yeah thats what we use in the yard when at home. Out we use regular leashes that you can pick up at the dollar store for 3 bucks. It is NOT the breed that is EVIL it is the scumbag owners that make them that way. So please next time you choose to bash something, do a little better reasearch. Did I mention my niece has a 95lb pit who is such a smoosh. The most dopey thing ever. Just a big loveable dork.. With that said I hope your next post shows some cooler pics. Like maybe ones where poodles have ripped peoples faces off, or how people are maimed by squirrells. And maybe some references as to where you got your misinformation.. Sending lots of love from my vicious pits who cuddle and sleep with my babies..

HazyMoon said...

Pitbulls bite and maim more than any other breed. Sorry apologists but that's a documented fact.
And, every time it happens the owners say "but she's always been so gentle and has never done anything like this before".
Pitbulls can snap and their primal instincts can take over. It doesn't happen to every dog but its a significant enough number to say they're unpredictable.

Unfortunately they are not always the dog of a young male macho type who's teaching it to be aggressive. They are also the family dogs of some pretty regular nice families and the attack was the dog's first. However due to the teeth and strength of the pitbull these attacks are pretty catastrophic.

HazyMoon said...

Also see this link, it's horrifying, especially the unprovoked attacks on infants.

Coyote Lou said...

You are a liar, and idiot and/or both. For someone who claims to be a dog trainer or even slightly familiar with dogs, you have posted a picture of a dog that is NOT a pitbull. Not to mention it's one of the most overused stock photos on the internet and it STILL ISN'T A PITBULL. You also cite the "locking jaw" myth... which is just that, a myth. NO ANIMAL has a locking jaw and someone with even rudimentary knowledge of dogs would know this. There are other factual errors in this article (Pit fighting wasn't illegal when pit dogs were being developed but the idea of a "breed" with studbooks and registries didn't exist, that is why records are spotty/The US millitary used a pitbull as a mascot in WWI and II, so clearly it existed prior to "the middle of the 20th" century/WHERE THE HELL did you get "data" showing that they have some sort of brain deformity that "causes violence?" This is just stupid... I used to hear people claim that about Dobermann's and the nice thing about not being a complete moron and having a lingering knowledge of science is that I can recognize something that stupid for being stupid). I could go on but there isn't much point. This "article" is badly written, biased, full of inaccuracies and just bad. You sound like no dog handler I have EVER heard of or worked with and I must conclude that you are a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. You have made this claim so that your "arguments" have weight. I am calling you out because I *AM* a trainer and behaviorist and I know bullshit when I see it. For the record, I have two Kelpie crossbreds and have recently acquired a "pitbull" mix (You claim you're an Aussie... I'm sure you know what a Kelpie is without having to google it). I am not an "apologist" I am someone who deals in facts, and the facts are NOT on your side (and neither is the truth). Pitbulls are NOT the most pervasive biter, or the most aggressive dog. I also find it curious that you don't record how many dogs have saved owners/cats/children from other dogs, other people, fires etc. You only report the negative because it "supports" your "argument." Just a thought, but you might not be a "big girl" if you weren't so full of shit. My most aggressive dog is my grouchy old man Kelpie, the best behaved and sweetest is the pittie. Go to hell you lying sack of crap for perpetuating such a lie is a work of pure evil. said...

I work at a local kennel. I have seen a pit bull attack another dog, and have had to break up that fight (while getting hurt in the process). I have also been bitten by a chihuahua, a poodle, a shih tzu, a lab, and other "harmless" dog breeds. The point is, they have teeth, they can bite. I know a woman whose German shepherd turned on her after 5+ years of raising him. She is currently undergoing facial reconstruction. A pitbull was recently rescued and brought to stay with us until finding him a home. I was lucky enough to get to spend plenty of time with him and watch him grow. He is the biggest sweetheart I have ever met. He is protective, yes, but he is not a vicious killer. Michael Vick screwed the reputation of every pitbull when he got caught fighting them. Pitbulls are good fighters because of there tremendous amount of endurance and their high tolerance for pain. Just like pointers and beagles are good for hunting. I don't and will never agree with fighting any breed of animal, and I plan to get a pitbull as soon as I can. Pretty much everything stated in this "article" is crap, and the "research" sounds more like an exaggerated aggressive opinion.

PitbullsMyLife said...

This wasnt caused by the Pitbull, this was caused by a Truely Sucky Owner. Dont Blame the Breed, Blame the Jerk that Owned it, and Taught it Wrong, Loved it Wrong, Obviously Did Everything Wrong. I own 5 Pitbulls Myself and I stand Up for a Breed that People Destroy because their to Dumb and Blind to see that its the Humans Fault not the Animals. Where do you think they Learned what They Learned, and Did what they Did? Huh! Dont Blame Someone or Something when you Think You Know and Truely Dont. Pitbull Advocate for Life. I stand by my Breed No Matter What.

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame the breed! I have two pit bulls and they are the most loving dogs I have ever had. And they get along with everyone and all animals! I live in a area with lots of dogs and my dogs have been attacked or almost attacked by either a Golden Retriever, Corso, German Shepard, or Poodle! And every time my dogs where so busy in wanting to play they didn’t even know what was going on. And they have never bitten a person or dog. There are bad dog's in every breed and even worst OWNER'S. Actions of any dog are the responsibility of the owner and this is the truth if you dog is aggressive and you have no control over it then it needs to be put down! Regardless of the breed. Dogs are strong and they born with weapons any dog can do the same damage in those photos. If we started zeroing in on any breed to would have just any many attacks or even worst one. They are animals people! Just the other day a German Shepard bit a woman's face off! And to the person who spent the time to write this article. Get a hobby! Or at least do your research properly, if you are going to debate something make sure you get your pro’s and con’s. I’m tired of narrow mined individuals, people like you are why pit bulls get a bad wrap.

Unknown said...

i think its funny everyone wants to talk down on pit bulls i was raised with three pitbulls and thats the only breed of dog ive had my whole life its not the dog its the dumb ass trainer it doesnt matter what kind of dog it is if you put it in a situation where it feels threatened then they are all going to react simularly it is called the fight or flight response even we humans have that so before ANYONE trys to talk bad about pitbulls educate yourselves if some one ten times ur size made you uncomfortable u would either fight back or run sorry dogs aren't p***ys

SchindlersPits said...

For someone who claims to be a former dog trainer, you sure don't know much about this wonderful breed that you and other ignorant people such as yourself demonize regularly. First off, there is NOTHING anatomically different about a Pit Bull's jaw. There is no "locking mechanism." Their jaws are, however, more powerful than many breeds and they have more of a tendency to shake once they have something in their mouths. My blue pit bull, for example, has a rope toy that he loves to shake and pay tug 'o war with, his tail wagging the whole time. The ASPCA gives the American Pit Bull Terrier the same rating as the Golden Retriever as far as temperament, how well they behave around children, and level of obedience. My neighbor's children regularly stop by our front door simply because they have such a great time playing with our blue pit. He has NEVER shown ANY sign of aggression, gets along with the neighborhood children, and has never done anything to hurt our other two dogs, a Mihn Pihn and a Beagle, and routinely falls asleep snuggled up with myself and/or my wife. Pit Bulls are just like ANY other breed; bad dogs have bad owners 100% of the time. More small dogs such as Chihuahuas and Poodles bite people annually. The difference is, those smaller breeds aren't demonized by the media and "former dog trainers" who CLEARLY don't know what they are talking about. I sincerely hope anyone who has taken the time to read this will also take the time to read this:

Jennifer said...


Ccs224 said...

I also agree with you. My almost 5yr old female pitbull is wonderful. She plays with all other breeds when going to the park an on walks. She only licks you with much love. Before writing an article, you should probably look at the positives in videos on YouTube.

LiL LuLu said...

I'm No Tough Wanna Be & Pitbulls Weren't Bred For That Either. They Were Bred To Be Catch Dogs, To Herd Cattle, Watch Dogs, & Family Companion Dogs. And Now A Days Are Great Therapy Dogs.

I'm A 23 Year Old Petite Female Who Adores Her 2 Year Old Pit Daughter Who Loves To Be Spoiled & Receive Massages.

LiL LuLu said...

Dear Mrs.Paulino,
We All Understand Your Concern But Please Don't Bash Something You Don't Know About. Look At Ceaser Milan, He's A Trainer With Pitbulls, Knows Putbulls, Yet Still Doesn't Wish To Banish Putbulls From The World. Pitbulls Don't Have A Conspiracy, So Don't Put Up Or Says Lies. Yes They Have Turned & "Attacked" But What Dog Breed Hasn't ? It's All About The Owner & The Training Level & Activity A Dog Has. Don't Tell Me You're Going To Start A Blog About Banishing Africans Too Because They're Stereotyped As Murderers, Robbers, & Drug Dealers ?

LV Pitbull Club said...

I was going to comment...but I guess I'll just agree with everyone else. As a journalist (yes, I am one) I find your disregard for research a huge problem. It's one thing to write an article of opinion, but when the opinions are mixed with improper statistics, it makes you look like a liar and a very poor writer.

Now, as an animal advocate, I'm offended by your allegations as to who I am. Do your research before clicking "publish."

acsmith1972 said...

I have to call bullshit. People who think Pit Bulls are bad dogs just don't get the breed. Enough with this propaganda. There are only three dogs that ever attacked me in my life: a Doberman, a Pit Bull, and a Pomeranian. So you'd think I was against Pits. For a long time after I was afraid of them until one ran up to me, jumped up and started licking me, his tail wagging furiously happy to see me. Aside from the one that attacked me, and that incident was my fault for getting between him and a Rottweiler that were fighting, I have never seen an aggressive Pit except in the media. I believe Golden Retrievers are responsible for more dog attacks.

Unknown said...

The majority of all serial killers are white males in their late 20s early 30s. So should we be on guard of ALL INDIVIDUALS with these characteristics. I mean statistics are statistics!! Or should we be we'll rounded thinkers and realize that, as in humans, without proper upbringings any species has the potential to be dangerous. The absolute worst part about your shotty article is it is incredibly WRECKLESS & HARMFUL, there are so many readers who will your article and assume this as a fact, WHICH IT'S NOT, and you probably just ruined so many good, friendly, devotedly loving dogs chance of getting rescued.. How cruel is that!! SHAME ON YOU!! Aggression is NOT breed specific !! Any Person with any sort of dog experience should know that, and that's what really makes me question your legitimacy! I am a pit bull owner and she is the absolute best dog, and I also own America's most beloved canine, the lab, and we by far have had the most trouble with him (lab) with dog aggression. We've had to work continuously with him to keep him in check,, but no problems with our pit (aka your vicous killer) just a little personal fact!! So I hope you feel great knowing that a poor innocent animal will probably suffer because of your biased shotty article.

Songbird said...

I am happy to see so many people defending these wonderful dogs. I can't believe that I even read this article by this clueless person, and wish people didn't write things that they made up in their own heads... And as far as "Craig's list", you're a real idiot as bad as the lady who wrote this article... Really? You never see a family out walking their pit bull? Bc I see it all the time... Sure there's some that look similar to your description, but that's a small majority compared to all the other owners... Maybe use your brain to think before you open your mouth... That also goes for the originator of this article :)

Heather Jellicoe said...

You're not a dog trainer. A real dog trainer would know for a fact that the real Pit Bull isn't naturally aggressive, because they're not. They were bred years ago to attack other animals, not people; but with decent socialisation and training then there's no reason for them to attack. Pit Bulls are like gays, they get treated like outcasts, called horrible names - yet deep down, they're just a dog that needs the love and care that any other breed requires. By all means be afraid of them, but please do us all a favour, go meet a Pittie!

This post is very, very fake, and it's not fair. I was viciously attacked by a Collie, and several other breeds that were small breeds - Chihuahua's, Jack Russell's and Yorkshire Terriers. Never by a Bully breed. Unfortunately, there are no photos of people that have been attacked by those breeds, because it's not as "juicy" as a Pit Bull attack, but seriously, dog attacks happen all the time everywhere.

You are not a dog trainer, if you were you'd know what you're talking about... and you don't.

Unknown said...

Seriously? Sounds to me like you're the bipolar mental case! My Pit Bull is 2 years old and he's the biggest teddy bear I've ever seen.
Get a life!!! Oh yeah, don't forget to check yourself into the nearest mental institution, where you can't further damage the population with your idiocy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think your article is written very well and very factual. I will never understand how and why so many pit bull advocates refuse to view the FACTS. Statistics do not lie! Unfortunately trying to educate or have a reasonable debate with some of these people is just a waste of time. Some one earlier posted that Pit bulls were considered to be the "Nanny Dogs" at one time. This is the biggest myth, the were NEVER "Nanny Dogs", the truth is at that time in history they spent most of their lives changed up outside or fighting, not hanging out with the children in the house! Education is key to helping this breed and helping to keep the public safe! Thanks again for writing your article and I hope you have the determination not to let these rude, uneducated people stop you from your missions! Take care!

Anonymous said...

spelling error... meant to write " chained" up not "changed" up.. opps!

Anonymous said...

There are so many mis-informed Pit Bull Advocates posting comments it is ridiculous.

To rhilliker- you are abusing the Service Dog Rights and you are harming the people who truly need Service Animal. Keep your dog out of places that are ONLY for TRUE Service Dogs. You yourself admitted that these dogs CAN be dangerous.."I understand that they can be a dangerous breed of dog,"!!! Education is key but lies and mis-information is only hurting this breed more.

The big problem isn't the "breed" its the owners that choose this breed but will not hold up to their responsibilities when their dog "mauls" a child. They need to be held accountable, the medical bills alone can be astounding! Without legislation "bad owners" can't be held responsible! Its just wrong, there are soooo many organizations raising funds for pit bulls and very few raising money for the victims of these dogs!!!

Jackie said...

This is the worst piece of garbage I've ever read. It's terrible that when I type "pitbull" into google this load of s--- comes up. You don't train dogs. You don't even know anything about dogs. I am sad to think about all the people you have misinformed by posting this. Hopefully they're intelligent enough to double up on their sources.

Unknown said...

Lord I hope they sterilize you. Needless to say you probably also voted for Obama.... Quick tip don't acquire your "facts" from Wikipedia

OP said...

It's amazing people still comment on this blog post...

I work my American Pit Bull Terrier in search and rescue. She is part of the largest working dog association in the state (probably the country and/or world). We have about 300 teams of canines and handlers. We are supervised by dog enthusiasts and experts who are much more qualified to form an opinion than you, OP. Vets, dog obedience trainers, police k-9 trainers, everyone has nothing but positive things to say about my dog.

Because of the nature of her work, my dog needs to have a friendly disposition towards humans and pets. If pit bulls were such a dangerous and unpredictable breed, why was my dog selected to train in a job that requires delicate handling of injured people and mental stability?

It's articles such as these that makes it difficult for people to be kind to my dog. It's ridiculous that she is praised for saving someone's life and smacked/kicked in the face by ignorant fools in the same day.

mmn said...

I wish someone would send this morom to the mental institution she mentioned and steralize her. Sacramento is not China, USA doesn't use forced sterilization on humans. This whole article is rediculous and riddled with lies and misinformatiion. My pit bull is so vicious that the cat attacked her and she hid behind me to protect her. I hope no one takes this article seriously and really does their resesrch. I was skeptical at first but my hubby grew up around pits, so I did my research. Trust me my hubby and I are trying to conceive... WouldI really bring a dog into my house if I thought that one day it will harm me or my children. Pit bulls are not monsters, they are wonderful. Actually, I'm trying to convince hubby to let me rescue a second pit bul. This woman is ignorant and it comes out loud and clear in her writing. Praying people won't believe her lies.

mmn said...

Her goal is to save the planet in some way....
3 easy steps to save the planet
step1: dont write about shit you dont know.
Step2: dont breed, stupidity is heridary.
Step 3: I'm tepted to say jump infront of a speeding bus.... but.... then I wanted to say rescue a pit bull because it would change your life....but... you're really not the kind of person I would even trust with a hampster, so no pets for you.... and that leaves go jump infront of a bus.

Anonymous said...

θανατος στα πιτ μπουλ

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow two stupid persons in here, , please research more before publishing,does an apt have more biting force than a tiger? Locking jaw?,,,,!! Wow how about LACKING INFO? I have an adopted apt, , I didn't raise her but it's pure love at first sight!

Unknown said...

You are the most ignorant, poorly educated, misinformed excuse of a "dog trainer" I have ever seen. I am unfortunate that I had the unpleasant experience of reading your "Fact filled (bullshit)" article.

I own a 1 yr old 70 pound male pitbull and my parents sounded just like you when I got him, telling me I was insane because I have two young children, 2 and 4 yrs old.

They both now love Zeus (my pit) more than any dog they or I have ever owned. They said he is the sweetest most adorable, loyal, child loving dog they have ever seen. I get compliments from neighbors and people on walks all the time because of his temperment and overall behavior.

He has never even so much as nipped at anyone and RARELY barks unless it involves someone yelling at or touching my children when he thinks they are in danger, or if he is in the yard with them and someone unknown approaches the fence.

He is the best dog I could have ever asked for and I love him as much as I love my children, because that's what a REAL dog owner does, loves his dog like family.

I have seen more vicious small dogs than any dog. My daughter was bitten by my mother in laws beagle for no reason, and she has pulled on Zeus's ears so bad it made me hurt, she has sat on him, jumped with all her weight on him, pulled him off the couch by the tail when he was not as heavy etc. and he has never once as much as growled at her or made any kind of aggresive move.

People like you are the reason they have such a bad reputation spreading your ignorance like cancer.

People like me are the ones showing the world how great these dogs are by introducing Zeus to the public as much as possible.

Not to sound like a dick, but just die dude, we would all be better without people like you.

In fact, I hope it's a fucking yorkie that kills you by ripping your throat out, get fucked.

Unknown said...

wow...Carmie Bednar (whatever name that is) to fucking say the artical is written "very well and factual" is such a joke I laughed so hard!!! the images were not even pit bulls used in the article and where once has she provided a refernence link or quoted any "facts" your a joke!!!!! oh and might i ask what FACTS????? there are no facts!!!!! I am willing to bet you have never owned a pit or even met one you just wanna add your two sense to sound important well news for you!You actually look like the most ignorant uneducated moron posting that on this garbage article that could have been written by a 12 year old! and if you have the nerve to say we are uneducated?? then go do REAL research not biast opinions on the web go to a breeder and relize that the only uneducated person on this site is you!!! I hope you and the author of this shit both check into a "institution" and become infertile. DONT BULLY THE BREED!!!!!come back and repost a comment AFTER you have owned a pitbull!!!!

Samantha said...

Carmie Bednar,
Go kill yourself.

The person who wrote this article (I'm not even concerned enough to learn your name because your "facts" are as false as false can get)
Join your buddy Carmie.

Animal haters are pathetic. I own 5 dogs, 2 of which are pits, 1 a rotti, and 2 labs. The labs are by far meaner, greedier, and testier than my pits and rott. It's all about how they're raised, and you snobs that want your foo-foo poodles and chihuahuas because you can't handle having a real animal around, keep your opinions to yourself. No one gives a shit.

kat said...

I notice that no one want's to actually put their name to this article, it looks like a letter to the editor of a small local newspaper that apparently got rejected, probably for containing blatent nonsense. I wonder how Deborah Paulino got hold of it and why she felt the need to promote this garbage? You need to hang your head in shame, Deborah Paulino, unless you're trolling. In which case, obviously you need to also recieve this here cookie.

Furious Flexing said...

No real facts in this article at all. Sounds like pure fiction imo. There is no animal in the world with that recorded bite force. Locking jaws is usually misinterpreted as jaws that lock shut. From the examination of smaller mammals with tremendous bite force (wolverines and badgers) the mandibles or lower jaw is loosely locked to the skull at the hinge and is difficult to remove. This allows the animal to bite and hold onto very large prey without dislocating the jaw. I am unaware if there are any dog breeds with this mechanism but would be interested to find out.

Overall I would rate this article as pure fiction. Unsupported false facts are no way to make a true statement. Any animal can be unpredictable if you do the wrong things around it or it is not raised and trained properly. Even people who raise tigers know this. Attacks on people by animals wild or domestic are due to several factors. None of which has any bearing on what type or species it is. If the person is Teasing or messing with the animal or being aggressive towards it they can expect an aggressive response. If the animal is mistreated or doesnt have its basic needs met it can respond in a Negative manner.

Further more i have worked one on one with mentally and physically handicapped adults. True about 50+ years ago they were sterilized due to an irrational fear that they would produce handicapped young. I work with several that have children and none of their children have any defects at all. Sterilization is now only offered as Alternative for people who are extreme sexual predators. Has nothing to do with a mental illness although rarely mentally handicapped adults can be sexual deviants as well.

Get your facts straight before posting garbage on here. :)

Unknown said...

This is the most rediculous thing I have ever read. If you people can't understand that ANY dog is capible of attacking, you are all off your rockers. It all come down to how we HUMANS treat the dog, how we show the dog love, how we HUMANS react to the dog. How the dog is rasied, how it is trained.... this is stupid. I am the PROUD owner of two pitts, and I love them more than I love most humans. My dogs have been raised with love and kindness, and they would NEVER hurt anyone.

Furious Flexing said...

Strongest bite force i can find for a pit is 235 lbs psi. Several other breeds have a stronger measured bite with a german shep comming in first with the strongest measured bite around 300 lbs psi. American alligators are supreme in the animal kingdom with the strongest measured bite ever close to 3000 lbs psi. Even that is less than 20% of your delusional made up statistic. Just doing research on one fact discredits your whole article. I say you should write a retraction for the entire thing.

Furious Flexing said...

As for my own errors rottys had bite force of 300 lbs and sheps had 250. Its not even psi just that much pressure. So in actuality much less than 1% of your statistic.

Unknown said...

Lots of terrible research if any went into this article. I couldn't even finish it. Why didn't you just take a video of yourself stamping your feet saying I hate pitbulls who FYI HAD human aggression bred out so their handlers wouldn't be bit while in the pit with them. Just a little real fact for you. We could always call them by their old names nanny dog or Americas dog. Might help their image.

Unknown said...

I will not say that I'm an expert or anything but in my whole life vie only met one aggressive pit that was a result of being neglected and raised the wrong way other than that just like any other dog take time and raise it correctly and it will be a good dog.

Unknown said...

Its The owners that treat the dogs bad and the dogs follow and hurt poeple i own a pitbull and he is the nicest dog iv ever owned because I TREAT HIM NICE

Admin said...

Please read my post on the pit bull that jumped my fence and killed my dog. The city wont do anything about when you report a pit bull stray ! there are too many of them!

onlyhdlover said...

THANKS GOD! YOU ARE NOT IN MEDICAL RESEARCH or any of the most important fields.


Unknown said...

I agree with rhilliker. I would give anything to have my pit bull back! She was one of the best dogs I've ever had!! Aside from my Rottweiler and my Rottweiler chow-X

Unknown said...

Maybe she should spend a few days at villalobos maybe that would open her eyes. I love pits rotts shepherds and any other breed. I just can't stand some of their ignorant ass owners. .

GetItStraight said...

You obviously know absolutely NOTHING about Pits.. They are some of the BEST dogs on the face of the planet. Just as ANY other dog, their temperament is based off of how they are raised. NOTHING to do with the breed. You should probably look at the "facts" you are stating. Compare a pit to a Chihuahua… and ACTUALLY do it… you will find a whole lot more similarities than differences. Pit bulls were meant to be nanny dogs, people made them mean. They are a dog, they are a pet. Get your shit straight

fuzzballiscute said...

alright, this site is a perfect example of uneducated and brainless people. for your information, pittbulls do NOT have what ever the hell you call "locking jaws". if you had done any real fact research, you would know that locking jaws is 100% B.S. In fact, pitbulls are people dogs. did you know they leave their nest to meet humans 2 weeks younger than any other dog? i bet you didnt. maybe you also never thought about training your dog to be vicous? IF A PITTBULL CAN LEARN TO KILL FOR THEIR OWNER, IM PRETTY SURE THEY CAN LEARN LOVE TOO. yes, pittbulls are very sturdy dogs and can be misused. well, before you ban pittbulls why dont you ban guns first? a pittbull cant kill as many people as a machine gun can, ya know. basicly your blaming a dog for what you did yourself. its as if your blaming a race because of what another person did. if a black person shoots someone, are are black people murderers? no. you may say im humanising a dog but obviously if your blaming a dog by its breed, your not mentally ready to accept them as dogs. if you knew anything about dogs, you would know dogs reflect their owners. its as if your blaming a gun for killing a person. in 9/11, did the people blame the plane for destroying the tower? no. IF A PITTBULL CAN KILL FOR ITS OWNER, IT CAN LOVE FOR ITS OWNER TOO.

Unknown said...

Hey Dirten... I LOVE Pitbulls. Here's my favorite kind of pitbull.

Bring your pit over sometime... just for fun!

Unknown said...

"Pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs because they are genetically designed to be vicious, attack and fight, with a locking jaw that exerts 2000 kg per 1 sq cm of pressure. Pit Bulls were never bred to be family pets or life companions, or safe with children, or safe in a community, nor hunting or farming."

What are you thinking?
"Pit Bulls were never bred to be family pets or life companions, or safe with children, or safe in a community, nor hunting or farming."
If you are gonna post something like this, spend tine with a pitbull yourself. I have 5 pitbulls and they are the most sweetest, adorable things ever. They are kind to everyone, love to play and go for walks.

It's not the BREED OF THE DOG... It's the way YOU TREAT IT.

Please get FACTS not opinions.

Scott Sheaffer said...

I don't own a pit bull but work with them frequently as a professional dog trainer and behaviorist. I don't mean to be rude here, but it's obvious you have significantly limited knowledge and experience regarding dogs. I just hope your misinformation doesn't cause missed adoption opportunities.

Unknown said...

As im reading 7 month old pit Jax. Is resting his head on me sleeping. Ive had dogs growing up. A beagle who bit everybody. I fostered a lab/rott who mulled another dog in front of me. All dogs have teeth. My pit is the best and most loving dog I've ever had. Plus his sister Mesha a 6yr old Jack Russel n him play together all the time. Its not the breed its the owner. Maybe you should get a puppy pit like me n raise him/her with your most precious gift of all(Arielle my 3yr old) and see how mich they lo e eachother!! Xoxo pitbull owner for lofe here.

Unknown said...

This is so fake no pitbull would harm a person unless they are fighting a person or another dog. Pitbulls are the cutest things in the world why would they would
Want to hurt someone like a little kid they like kids so why would they? Someone tell me why! I'm really mad that you guys are saying this is true the pictures are probably from a Jerman Sheperd! Because they are used for police men that attack the people you never know!

Anonymous said...

The writer of this article is an idiot.

I've been regularly around a small number of pit bulls throughout my life, and have met many others. Every last one has been a giant cuddly and loyal dog. Extremely smart and full of energy. They are such a fun-loving breed. They are an absolute blast to play with!

I've never met one that I didn't fall in love with right away. From that experience, I specifically sought out a pit when I decided to adopt my own dog. Family of mine adopted a pit a few years ago and they love her dearly. She's been sat on, jumped on, knocked over, stepped on, and pretty much used as a trampoline by my little cousins. Never has she so much as looked at them wrong.

As I type this, I've got a 55lb male with his head in my lap sleeping, and drooling. He is the biggest baby and absolutely the sweetest dog you'd ever meet. He is fantastic with other dogs, and my cats. I've only heard him bark once, which was at a doorbell on a tv show. Violent or aggressive are terms that I could never use to describe him. He's anything but.

Do not blame the breed. This is a nurture over nature issue. How a dog is raised determines it's personality. Idiots like you are the reason shelters are overwhelmed with pits and have a hard time placing them. Do some research before you bash them. You'll be surprised by what you'll find, and embarrassed that you even wrote this article.

pitbull_love4everrr said...

I was gunnad write a long comment on how much of a worthless piece.of shit you are for lying so much about such an amazing breed but i see plenty of people have done that already. I wish you in were in one of your mauled victims photos

myema569 said...

The ASPCA doesn't agree with your position and neither do I. Yes, it's factual pit bulls have bitten people but it's not accurate to assume ' if some pit bulls bite people, all pit bulls are dangerous." Neither is it accurate to conclude that because some mentally challenged people have been sterilized that 'we' sterilize 'them' in general.
I think you're painting with a very large paint brush; clearly many others agree. I challenge you to take a look at your breed bias. Can you be a real 'dog lover' and discredit an entire breed based on the actions of select few? Oh, by the way, pit bulls are known as 'Nanny Dogs' too...
I think I'll go hug my Nannie Dog now...

Unknown said...

I have been bitten twice from untrained pits .Its all about the dog .Some can be trained properly as pets .but some are untrainable. It would be nice to believe that time and patients and love can make a dog trustworthy. But some are going to be born crazy and dangerous.

Unknown said...

Also they are meant to run and protect a space.Not to be constantly mauled buy small children and chained in the back yard their whole life .That would piss anyone off.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!! Yu need to stick to fashion rather than this subject...I take great offense in this article bcuz yu no clue wtf yu are talking about if yu learned this stuff in the 70s no wonder our society is so ignorant to this amazing breed....#1 pits jaws DO NOT DO NOT lock...#2 pits turn if they are threatened abused neglected starved unsocialized not given food or water on a regular basis or disciplined and taught how to be submissive....#3 yu need to research yur "fact" or as I see them MYTHS a lil better b4 publishing such bs....#4 I have 4 pitbulls myself and rescue death row pits from my local kill shelter all the time and ive never had a dog turn on me or another dog at that...yu are talking bout my family when bad mouth qnd publish lies such as these but like the breed I rescue I will forgive and pray that yu will try and think b4 yu say such horendous lies....let me tell yu about the 2 rescues I have made mine...ecko is a razors edge pit bull he was show 2 timed in the spine with a .45 at close range and when the owners tried to finish him off he licked them and made them take and drop him off at the kill shelter he now is my baby and has a bullet .5cm away from his spinal cord and one in his intestines he sleeps with me and my hubby or with one of my kids and has nothing but love and forgiveness for the most dangerous breed in the world which is ignorant humans....rhino is a blue pit and he and his sister were licked in a cage with no food or water for 9 days in below freezing temp and I rescued them from the home and got them here to my house and it was too late fir gis sister but by the grace of god he made it they had froze from the inside out and he couldnt walk for a few days he was so emaciated that he had no strength whatsoever but now he is in the house and hes very forgiving and he stays in my room at my feet under the covers every night...the other 2 are bought for me or by me and they are inside as well and one is a service dog for my youngest whom had special what ill ask from yu is to get ur facts straight b4 yu publish such lies not goin to try and publish about fashion design bcuz I have no experience in it so plz think twice next time....thank yu

Unknown said...

Wow are yu and the publisher of this article friends if not yal should be...1 of my 4 pits is a service dog for my youngest son whom has special needs...they are called nanny pits ....RESEARCH B4 INSERTING UR FOOT IN UR MOUTH!!!!!

Unknown said...

Craig list I bet yu have a poodle and thats fine but these dogs seem to fit yu cuz they need attention juz like yu..they are all over the place juz like yu...they are over dramatic juz like yu and they love to bark and bark and bark and then when the bite it doesnt hurt juz like yu

Unknown said...

Is ur moon hazy cuz all the drugs ur on???? Pits are not vicious or threatening its ppl like yu that are a dangerous breed to these animals....uneducated owners are what makes a bad name for these dogs....I have 4 pits and 1 is a service dog for my 6yr old who is special needs...they are the only dog other than a syberian husky that ive had or will ever have

Unknown said...

Well, no wonder people constantly bully the breed with people like you spouting such rubbish. As with EVERY breed of dog, they can be dangerous but to say they are born killing machines is ridiculous. Perhaps one day the human race will step out of denial and admit the problem is us. Dogs that are not trained correctly, neglected, abused etc. are the most dangerous of all. Yes a well trained dog could, attack and damage a person but these things are rarely out of blue with no apparent cause. A
Jack Russell mauled a 6 or 7 day old baby too death, but no one kicks up a fuss about that breed. Where I live, bull breeds are not even in the top ten of dogs who bite humans causing damage needing hospital treatment. Its Labs, Collies, Jack Russell etc.
As someone who has had bull breeds my whole life I can honestly say they are actually loyal, loving and very eager to please their humans. My own dog was recently attacked in a public park while on his lead at my side by a Labrador and although my "pitbull type" could easily have the strength to come out on top he did nothing but yelp, try to run away and look at me with pleading eyes in hope I'd save him from the other dog. As the lab owner did nothing to control her dog I obviously did what was necessary to protect mine. Now if that is a born killer, well my dog isn't very good at being what he's "genetically bred" for. The problem as always is HUMANS. Humans abuse dogs making them fearful and unpredictable. Humans train dogs to be aggressive and praise their dogs for attacking which encourages them to attack more (remember what I said about wanting to please their owners?). If my dog thought I'd be happy with him for attacking something and killing it, he'd do that just to make me happy even though its not typical of his character to behave that way. What is typical of his character (and that of every other pitbull type I've met), is always wanting to play, always wanting to sit on your lap or snuggled as close as possible for a cuddle and a nap, a love of fetch and agility, and obey of his favourite things when we're out is to run alongside the 2 children he lives with and to keep them in view at all times. If he can't see them he gets anxious and worried, as soon as he can see them he's happy. Loving, Loyal, Protective and a perfect family pet.

Unknown said...

Love your comments :-)

Unknown said...

OMG, I'm going to write this fast and not check my spelling but there are something's on here that are just too stupid for me to comprehend. first of all Don't You Dare walk ANY dog for 10 miles a day! That will kill them without frequent water breaks! The only good that will do is help your dog become grossly under weight. I only skimmed this article because the things I saw were horrible false and there are tests to prove it. I go into further detail about the things that really made me mad on my blog:
I'm not trying to advertise my website to get more views or whatever. This article just makes me really angry and I go deeper into what pit bulls are like on it. Yes, I know there are a ton of pit bull attacks monthly but you know what? So many people don't know the difference between an American Bully and an American Pit Bull Terrier and a whole bunch of other dogs that aren't even related to pit bulls like Labs, they sometimes get mistaken for an American Pit Bull Terrier sometimes so when you include the ones the people misidentified there are more attack then there should be.

Unknown said...

And the dog picture you are using isn't a Pit Bull! It's a Dogo Argentino! Seriously do research before you put stuff on the computer.

Titikshu said...

Congratulations! In writing this, you managed to put more damage, negative energy, and pain into the world then the collective whole of every "Pitbull" ever born...
A bite pressure of 2,000 PSI! Wow, that's scary! Unfortunately, that animal would be the jaguar (4th highest bite pressure in the animal kingdom per recorded animals). Within dog species, the highest recorded is the Rottweiler (328 or so). The pit bull falls way under this and that of the German Shepherd (Dr. Brady Barr of National Geographic).
Although these photos are very unfortunate stories, I have to admit the saddest part of the whole article is that it's legal to publish things without any real research or sources. I don't know much about your blog, maybe you're going for a gory version of The Onion, but if a 7th grade student submitted anything stated so boldly yet lacking so much research or proof, she would be held back or put in special needs classes... Prove us wrong! cite your sources. Let's see where you learned the information you're educating us on. Where did you get your information? National Geographic? American Kennel Association? National Canine Research Council? mmm...unlikely.

Unknown said...

Ignorant. There's so much accurate information available at your fingertips. It amazes me that people can't figure out what sources are credible or not. The blogger sites myth as fact. They are obviously not serious animal care professionals.

Unknown said...

This is utter shite. I am a vet and this blog information is completely false, not to mention photos misused.
I am also fairly certain the picture of the gentleman with half is face exposed is not from a dog attack. I have seen that photo before.

Unknown said...

This is utter shite. I am a vet and this blog information is completely false, not to mention photos misused.
I am also fairly certain the picture of the gentleman with half is face exposed is not from a dog attack. I have seen that photo before.

Unknown said...

I have a pit and 7 Anita x's the pit was rescue from a house i was working next to she was being mistreated, she is a true princess after her walks she just loves sleeping on soft things, arseholes were walk her have made a rumour they are scared of her because she jumps and kisses people to affects us loads and it is hurtful when people talk shit about your dogs when mine are totally balanced and it's the prick in a field with one medium dog on a lead ruins it for everyone because they won't socialise they're dogs or themselves these articles don't help, the pictures of faces ripped off are bike crashes, the dogs what are bought because they look good and keep at home walked once a day around the road never playing with other dogs will attack my dogs or a human, cause it near on thinks it is one, all dogs need control, this article is out of order, the last thing my dogs would do is hurt a child, I'm in medway and lots of people walk there staffs off leads around towns and you never hear any attacks, my is in a pack and she's faster than the others so that article is going to scare people no wonder people talk shit and avoid My pack when all they want to do is playing. puppy farms and dog welfare should be talked about not scare mongering,

Unknown said...

I have a pit and 7 Anita x's the pit was rescue from a house i was working next to she was being mistreated, she is a true princess after her walks she just loves sleeping on soft things, arseholes were walk her have made a rumour they are scared of her because she jumps and kisses people to affects us loads and it is hurtful when people talk shit about your dogs when mine are totally balanced and it's the prick in a field with one medium dog on a lead ruins it for everyone because they won't socialise they're dogs or themselves these articles don't help, the pictures of faces ripped off are bike crashes, the dogs what are bought because they look good and keep at home walked once a day around the road never playing with other dogs will attack my dogs or a human, cause it near on thinks it is one, all dogs need control, this article is out of order, the last thing my dogs would do is hurt a child, I'm in medway and lots of people walk there staffs off leads around towns and you never hear any attacks, my is in a pack and she's faster than the others so that article is going to scare people no wonder people talk shit and avoid My pack when all they want to do is playing. puppy farms and dog welfare should be talked about not scare mongering,

Lose Weight by Losing Inflammatory Fluids said...

I raise Dobermans and Poodles, I have been studying the terrier group and find them quite affectionate to their owners this trait was also bred into all of the terrier group and I am very attracted by it. but they were made to be a fighting dog, I would own one no problem but never would I trust my pit or Doberman random around another person or child. I have had nothing but bad encounters with pits since I was a child, 7 bad ones to be exact. the dogs were crazy but I also noticed that so were the owners of the dogs. They all cursed and were rude just like many who responded in this article even wishing the author death. To put a dog before any human like I have witnessed in these replies is very shameful such people make a good match for a dog but they don't make a good human being and trust me, they will get what's coming to them. A stable Bull terrier is a nice animal but the dog was NOT BRED TO BE A FIGHTER WITH MERCIFUL RESTRAINT IN MIND THEREFOR THE STABILITY OF CAUTION WHEN ATTACKING HAD TO BE BRED OUT OF THE INTENDED PRODUCT. YES YOU CAN FIND TIMID MILD ONES BUT THE GROUP AS A WHOLE WAS NOT MEANT TO EXERCISE RESTRAINT BUT EXTREME AGGRESSION. There is a market for this type of dog and I would want nothing less than fine strong dogs to guard my land from unwanted intruders bears, criminal tresspassers etc. in the woods. THE PIT WOULD BE MY CHOICE FOR SUCH DUTY. You want a family dog? go buy a poodle! Why go out and buy a tiger and try to trust it with your soft fat baby use the animal for its better suited purpose with love of course.